Monday, May 31, 2010

Blackpool Day 3

Day 3- Practice begins. We got a few hours in at a local Church of England Facility. Floor was slick, and the dimensions were awkward.. perfect warm up for Blackpool! I, as usual, found out how to inadvertently offend 3 or 4 people. I seem to have a knack for that! We were greeted with an amazing brunch when we got back though! Most of the team is really picky eaters, so i get to snatch up all the things everyone else doesn't like! Bacon, sausage, cooked tomatoes, English fry bread, baked beans, and eggs. Also get cereal, and grapefruit. Its A W E S O M E!

We spent a good portion of the morning working on costumes. Finishing up rhinestoning, dying, ironing, cutting, mending, and overall invading my room. Girls were brushing out their fake hair, and now my bed is covered in it.. pleasant right? But all in all we got a lot done and are excited! We then went into Winter Gardens (The actual comp place) and watched some of the pro's rehearse, and ended up rehearsing ourselves! The energy at the comp was great- we were able to pound out a lot of good technique. We also saw the Chinese team rehearsing. They clap for themselves.. a lot..

The night finished off with dinner at a local place- we played by the promenade by the beach, and took some fun pictures. David will get these to me soon so all can see!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Blackpool Day 2

Sunday has been rather dull- Everyone left me to go run around while i worked on a bit of homework. After a bit of homework, blackboard has been down, hence the time i get to spend on facebook! I took a stroll down the beach, and took a nap. Going to dinner soon, and that will be most of Sunday!
(some time later..)
So i went and ate. Got some real England fish and chips and ate it along the beach. Was absolutely beautiful! The wind died down, and the weather warmed up. The cod fish was like almost a foot and a half long! It was huge! Crisp flaky crust, tender juicy fish with house cut chips. Slathered in vinegar and salt. Yum! I wandered the town and ended up in some places i realized i didn't want to be alone at! But i found some fun restaurants and places i want to visit next free time we get. Tomorrow we start rehearsals. I hope my body has switched time zones sufficiently! Its going to be a long day!

Blackpool Day 1

Plane trips took ALL DAY- we have arrived in Blackpool and all is well. We spent the day wandering the city and such. Not sure what day it is in Utah, but its 10pm Saturday right now here. The plane trips were exciting. Half our group left SLC to JFK, at JFK the plane didn't show up for 3 hours for some unknown reason t...hey never told us. The other half went to Atlanta, where there was so much turbulent, they said they almost died! Then upon arrival, the Atlanta airport was closed, so they got to stay for a good long time on the plane! When they finally left for Manchester, we arrived near the same time! We are in these awesome bed and breakfast type places (Like what we stayed in in Berlin mark)Awesome proprietors. So, that was day 1. Tomorrow is church, Monday rehearsal, then Scotland! Ill upload pictures as soon as i remember to take some!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

And life rolls on..

To continue a bit of where i last left off.. All of my summer classes came through. Im super excited for them. They've been going now for about a week, and on one, im already on week 7, the other on week 4, and the last for some reason hasn't started yet. Every time i call and ask, they tell me a new day that its supposed to be up. Oh well.. Just anxious to get started i guess..
Dance is continuing on. Part of the team is headed to Dancing With The Stars next week. They looked really good and clean when they practiced this morning, so i am super excited for them. I was a bit disappointing at first that i wasn't chosen to be one of the 5 to go, (i have my own theories as to why that is..) However, another side of me honestly enjoys the fact that i am not. Its a lot of work i didn't have to stress about, and a lot of things i didn't have to worry about. I have enough on my plate right now, and i actually got a full day off a few days ago! I can't remember when the last time that happened was.. We also filmed a live thing for Good Morning Utah today at dance. Was fun i guess. A bit anti-climactic. Same usual people were picked to be interviewed and such. No surprise there.
Paul Winkleman came to clean and re-formation the Standard Medley. I love when he comes to do things. He and I have the same style and love and passion for dance, so anything he teaches, and coaches, i absolutely love! Its like ive had to adjust to the team for the past few years, and now finally, the team gets to adjust to me, and my style of dancing. I absolutely love it! I told David Moon that, and he mentioned how everyone noticed i was abnormally happy.
Cirque is in about a week- still don't have any firm confirmation as to who's taking my extra ticket yet. Exciting still- Hard to find people who really enjoy the arts anymore.
Well, i think i am going to tag this to facebook- see if i get any readers. Doubtful, but hey- who knows?!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So, with no one actually reading my other blog, (its ok, it was pretty nerdy), i decided to make one centered around my life and the happenings therein. This is for people who want to know whats going on, but hate the fact that i never text them back, or message them on facebook.. Sorry guys..

I have come to find that i am more capable of expressing thoughts and emotions in words- typing or writing them out, than i am in person, actually speaking. I personally blame my ADHD and the like.. but who knows? I am a bit of a shy person who sometimes feels the need to gain the approval of others and as such have the great ability of putting my foot in my mouth a lot.. like a lot a lot.. So in order to remedy this fault, i am making this blog, to maybe sort out a bit of who i am, and portray that to anyone interested enough to read it!

So my life..
At this current date in time, Summer school semester is just about to start. Im a bit excited and still a bit hoping that a few more of my classes will come through and actually let me register for them and get off of the waitlist. I was informed yesterday that i am officially a third year student.. i think thats a junior? By credit hours only. I have actually only been in school about 2 years, and am still some way off of completing my major, which is currently Digital Media emphasizing in Animation. I am on the UVU touring team, currently dancing both standard and latin medleys. And now as i think of it.. i also have rehearsal at 8am tomorrow.. so i am going to close this off and hopefully continue tomorrow. Good Night.